Issue Position: Civil Liberties

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014


Having spent his career in law enforcement and the Intelligence Community, Carl obviously believes in a law and order society and in a strong national defense, which includes a strong military and robust intelligence agencies. The "thin blue line" and the "long gray line" are needed to deal with the very real dangers of this world, posed by those who seek to victimize their fellow man. However, Carl and his two brothers (both police officers with LMPD) pinned badges on their chests to bring to justice those who prey upon the innocent -- not to serve as instruments of an oppressive government that violates the Constitution and tramples the liberties of their fellow citizens. Likewise, Carl joined the Intelligence Community to fight those committed to a murderous ideology that seeks to convert or kill those who do not embrace their world view -- not to disregard the Bill of Rights and treat American citizens as subjects of an all-powerful central government. Carl, himself, has taken on the CIA over its unlawful conduct in a warzone, and the news of the NSA's extensive wiretapping program is just the latest example that our government has gone too far. Carl recognizes that the federal Constitution is the "floor" of our rights as American citizens. It spells out the minimum protections afforded the citizenry. The states are the "ceiling" of our rights. States are free to give greater rights to citizens, and impose more restrictions on government. As such, Carl will work to limit the government's ability to engage in surveillance of Kentuckians and other practices that are incompatible with the rights of free men and women. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
